Filed under Natural Branding.

Many B2B businesses struggle to build a fan base and boost engagement on social media. Once you’ve determined your social strategy and know which platforms you intend to target, there are a few tricks to getting your social efforts off the ground.

Facebook: Increase Likes through targeted boosts.
The good news is Facebook doesn’t just send your post to unqualified leads. It can optimize an ad campaign to help you find the exact members you’re looking for. If you’re in the Natural Products industry, for example, you can target a post boost so that only members who are attending ExpoWest or SupplySide see it. You set your daily limits and the time frame for the boost. Afterwards, Facebook makes it simple to see how well your boost performed and how much each “Like” cost you.

Linkedin: Utilize Company Updates and Service pages
You can now post updates that are delivered to all of your followers. Be sure to add eye-catching graphics to those updates. To leverage your Services page, create pages for different products. Each one can have a description, images, videos and more. Don’t forget to check Linkedin for insights into who’s following you. The site provides breakdowns by industry, position, location and more.

Youtube: Post short videos that address your customers biggest problems
Don’t try and create the next viral video; instead, create short videos that address the biggest problems your customer faces.
Once your video is uploaded, use YouTube’s annotation tools to turn your viewers into subscribers, and drive traffic back to your website or opt-in page.

SlideShare: Show off your content marketing chops
SlideShare is where Youtube meets PowerPoint. You can imbed your SlideShares anywhere on your website or landing pages to visually walk your customers through a process of a new product launch. And remember, SlideShares make great blog posts too.

Implement BrandHive’s 5-step strategy to social media and get results.