Filed under Natural Branding.

When shopping for groceries, how often do you think people go for the organic section? Although the difference in prices between organic and non-organic foods may deter customers from shopping organic, studies show that 45 percent of Americans buy organic food regularly while 85 percent shop for organic food on the occasion. Organic food demands are on the constant rise, projected to become more popular among consumers every year. Finding the optimal target audience, however, poses a big challenge when it comes to healthy food advertising strategies. Luckily, there are certain organic food marketing strategies brands can adopt to increase their number of sales without having to break the bank to do so. Consider the following marketing tips for your organic brand that can help you perform more effectively over other competitors.

Incorporate Brand Benefits in Your Story 

While this may seem obvious, it’s important to have a solid story behind any brand to capture audience attention and increase sales. In fact, findings from Headstream report that 55 percent of customers who love a brand story will most likely buy their products in the future, making it essential to have a 5-star brand story. When crafting the story of your brand, take the time to mention the benefits your brand has over others while using words that are easier for customers to understand and digest. Making the assumption that everyone knows what it really means for a product to be organic can be detrimental to the success of your brand. Instead of using your story to define what these words mean, use this opportunity to focus on why your brand is beneficial to the lives of your customers.

Pinpoint The Optimal In-Store Location 

With all the food options that are available, finding the ideal location for your product can make or break brand sales. For instance, when people are out shopping for Thanksgiving, it will be more difficult and somewhat stressful to navigate the store, especially this year with social distancing guidelines. Marketing organic foods in areas of stores that are easily accessible give customers the chance to grab items they may need quicker rather than venturing through the crowds to get an item on their list. Not to mention, if customers try a brand out for the first time and love it, they will most likely buy from the same brand again now that they know where to find it!

Consider Implementing Brand Discounts

As mentioned earlier, a big reason why people tend to overlook shopping for organic foods is due to price. While prices for organic food reflect the legitimate cost of growing, most people would rather opt for cheaper alternatives. As part of your organic food marketing strategy, consider offering discounts to your customers to broaden the accessibility of your products. This will not only give your brand an edge over competitors but will increase the likelihood of consumers purchasing from your brand. Who wouldn’t love to shop organic with great discounts as a plus!

All in all, marketing organic brands can be quite a challenge. However, implementing healthy food advertising strategies that foster customer appreciation and showcases how great your brand truly is will make all the difference. If you require assistance to take your health and wellness brand to new heights, BrandHive is the expert healthy food marketing agency your brand needs! Get started with professional marketing strategies from us today and contact us now.