Filed under Natural Branding.

How many people do you know take supplements on a daily basis? Each year, the number of individuals who are regular supplement users increases, which poses the important question of how to market nutritional products effectively. As the compound annual growth rate for the nutritional supplement industry is projected to be 9.8% from now until 2027, utilizing optimal marketing strategies is crucial for your brand to thrive in a quickly growing market. The good news is that this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend more money on marketing tactics to surpass your competition. If you want to reach new heights in the nutritional supplement industry, take a look at the following marketing ideas for supplements to start adopting for your own brand: 

Be Unique Every Way Possible

In today’s market, there are thousands of supplement companies currently available that are fighting to win over consumers. With this in mind, it is essential that your brand does everything possible to ensure customers are drawn in and are looking at your products compared to your competitors. Discover what makes your brand stand out from the rest and use that knowledge as the foundation of your marketing efforts. From breaking down why your products are important to a customer’s everyday life to pulling real-life testimonials to generate brand authenticity, make it known to prospective customers why your products are just what they need in their lives and how it can greatly benefit them compared to others. 

Packaging With A Purpose

A product’s vessel is never chosen by random. When it comes to product packaging, your target audience must be the center of your decision-making process for choosing colors, fonts, tone of voice, and language use. In fact, 72% of American consumers are influenced by packaging designs when making purchase decisions, meaning your brand must create strategic packaging to attract legitimate business. For example, if your products are designed for individuals age 65 and up, you’ll want to ensure your products are easy to locate on the shelf and utilize large fonts, making your brand more recognizable among all the various options available. By keeping your customer’s demographic information in mind, you’ll be able to grab customer’s attention better and increase the probability of consumer purchases.

Be Consistently Trendy 

Industry trends are constantly evolving, which consistently changes how to market nutritional products successfully. By staying up to date with where your customers are looking, your brand displays both professionalism and authenticity that customers desire to see, making your products more well-known. For starters, your brand should be marketing online, as online sales in the dietary supplement industry have increased by 15% this year and will continue to rise. A great place to begin marketing online starts with your brand’s website. To stay trendy, make sure your company’s website is:

  • Easy to navigate.
  • Mobile-friendly.
  • Aesthetically-pleasing. 

By doing so, you will be able to reel in prospective customers and make the process of purchasing your products more convenient. 

In addition to staying up to date with online marketing, another effective marketing idea for supplements revolves around having a strong social media presence. According to statistics, 45% of the current population uses social media, which should make social media a core asset to your marketing strategies. How you decide to market your brand and products through social media varies based on your target audience and which platform they are most likely on. Once you choose the right platforms for your brand, be sure to engage with customers and push out useful content that always has a call to action leading back to your website. You will want to post often to show your activity without blasting out too much that can bury useful content. 
The supplement industry will only grow as the years go by, meaning your brand’s marketing tactics must always be strategic and with a purpose to reap the most benefits. Whether you need guidance with being unique, upgrading your product’s packaging, or staying on top of industry trends, gaining insight from a professional dietary supplement marketing agency will set your brand up for ultimate success! If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, contact BrandHive today.